Kemnay Academy
Kemnay Academy consisted of a full structured cabling rewire and re-installation of every Projector and Smartboard in the school.
This job was complex in several ways as we would be working in a live school environment, which could not have any daytime network downtime. We would also have to work around an exam timetable to ensure there is no interruption to the school at all.
This project was done in several phases.
Phase 1 was the enabling works. This phase was crucial to keeping the school building live while the building works were to be carried out. This included running multimode fibre to several cabinets in temporary accommodation as well as feeding the original server rooms. Over 70 temporary network and phone points were installed.
Phase 2 allowed us to start running cables in the extension built by Morrison Construction. Two new server rooms were formed and fed with 8 core Multi-mode Fiber and over 600 Cat5e network points installed.
Nearer the end of this phase we then installed 14 new M680 Smartboard’s with Smart USB audio system as well as Epson EB-x20 ceiling mounted projectors.
Phase 3 involved refurbishment works in the existing school. New comms racks were installed on each of the three floors and over 800 new network points installed before removal of the old system could take place. This meant working out of hours to stop any interruption to the live school.
Smartboards, which had been removed and safely stored, were health checked and re-installed in the completed classrooms with ceiling projectors.
Phase 4 the final stage was completed after the building handover. This was to install a full Aerohive wifi system in every teaching area in the school. This allowed full coverage of the building.
I B Services provided a fully tested structured cabling system with fiber backbones. We also installed new Smartboard systems and projector set-ups. Our accreditations allow these new Smartboards to be covered by a 5 year extended warranty.